明尼苏达州的 Medica 保险公司宣布裁员 6%,影响 162 名员工,以使资源与业务优先事项保持一致。 Medica insurance provider in Minnesota announces 6% workforce reduction, affecting 162 employees, to align resources with business priorities.
Medica 是一家总部位于明尼苏达州的保险公司,成立于 1975 年,该公司宣布裁员 6%,影响到 162 名员工。 Medica, a Minnesota-based insurance provider originally founded in 1975, has announced a 6% workforce reduction, impacting 162 employees. 该公司表示,做出这一决定是为了使资源与业务优先事项保持一致。 The company stated that the decision was made to align resources with business priorities. Medica 承诺为受影响的员工提供支持,包括遣散费、再就业服务和其他福利。 Medica has pledged to offer support to the affected employees, including severance payments, outplacement services, and other benefits.