路易斯安那州州长杰夫·兰德里 (Jeff Landry) 支持路易斯安那州 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 以 25 亿美元的价格向 Elevance Health 出售的潜在收益,并承认州监管机构将对其进行审查。 Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry supports the potential benefits of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Louisiana's $2.5bn sale to Elevance Health, acknowledging state regulators will review it.
在对近 200 名路易斯安那州医院高管的演讲中,州长杰夫·兰德里 (Jeff Landry) 支持以 25 亿美元将路易斯安那州 Blue Cross 和 Blue Shield 出售给美国大型保险公司 Elevance Health 的潜在好处。 In a speech to nearly 200 Louisiana hospital executives, Governor Jeff Landry supported the potential benefits of the $2.5 billion sale of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana to Elevance Health, a major US insurer. 兰德里澄清说,他不会推动出售,州监管机构将于本月晚些时候对其进行审查。 Landry clarified that he is not pushing for the sale, which will be reviewed by state regulators later this month. 州长对该交易没有法律权力,仅受保险专员和蓝十字保单持有人的管辖。 The governor has no legal authority over the deal, which is only subject to the Insurance Commissioner and Blue Cross policyholders. 兰德里认为,医疗保健行业正在迅速发展,成本也越来越高,因此积极主动而不是等待更为明智。 Landry argued that the healthcare industry is rapidly evolving and becoming more expensive, making it more sensible to be proactive rather than waiting.