狗主人坎迪斯·库克 (Kandice Cooke) 就针对伦道夫市的联邦诉讼达成和解,允许她在城市范围内饲养情感支持狗。 Dog owner Kandice Cooke settles federal lawsuit against city of Randolph, allowing her to keep emotional support dog within city limits.
内布拉斯加州伦道夫的狗主人坎迪斯·库克 (Kandice Cooke) 解决了她的联邦诉讼,允许她在城市范围内饲养她的情感支持狗鲁弗斯 (Rufus)。 Kandice Cooke, a dog owner in Randolph, Nebraska, settled her federal lawsuit, allowing her to keep her emotional support dog, Rufus, within the city limits. 库克此前曾被勒令驱逐鲁弗斯,因为该市的危险狗条例禁止某些品种。 Cooke had previously been ordered to remove Rufus as the city's dangerous dog ordinance prohibits certain breeds. 她声称,根据《美国残疾人法案》和《公平住房法案》,她的权利受到侵犯,导致警察骚扰并开出四张罚单,总金额为 400 美元。 She claimed her rights were violated under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act, leading to police harassment and four tickets totaling $400. 作为和解协议的一部分,该市驳回了这些罚单,并将重写《危险狗条例》,以便未来的狗主人更容易登记他们的动物。 As part of the settlement, the city dismissed the tickets and will rewrite the dangerous dog ordinance to make it easier for future dog owners to register their animals.