Shady Acres Mobile Home Park 因未付 12 万美元的水电费而于 2015 年被废弃,犯罪活动增多后于 2019 年被拆除。 Abandoned in 2015 for $120k unpaid utility bills, Shady Acres Mobile Home Park was demolished in 2019 after rise in criminal activities.
Shady Acres 移动房屋公园曾是世界上最大的移动房屋公园,但因未付 12 万美元的水费和污水处理费,在 Genesee 银行接管后于 2015 年被废弃。 Shady Acres Mobile Home Park, once the largest in the world, was abandoned in 2015 after Genesee Bank took over due to $120,000 in unpaid water and sewer bills. 该公园的犯罪活动有所增加,并于 2019 年被拆除。 The park saw a rise in criminal activities and was demolished in 2019. 这次改造意义重大,前后照片展示了公园的外观。 The transformation was significant, with before and after photos showcasing the park's appearance. 涉及前房主的刑事调查可供进一步阅读。 A criminal investigation involving the previous owner is available for further reading.