利物浦和大曼彻斯特市长们领导了 DJ 大战,为当地无家可归者倡议筹集了超过 1.5 万英镑,名人包括娜塔莎·乔纳斯 (Natasha Jonas) 和黛安·莫达尔 (Diane Modahl)。 Liverpool and Greater Manchester Mayors led DJ battles, raising over £15k for local homelessness initiatives, featuring celebrities Natasha Jonas and Diane Modahl.
利物浦城市地区和大曼彻斯特市长 Steve Rotheram 和 Andy Burnham 带领他们的团队在利物浦的 Camp and Furnace 场地进行 DJ 大战,为两个地区的无家可归者和露宿者活动筹集了超过 15,000 英镑。 Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester Mayors, Steve Rotheram and Andy Burnham, led their teams in DJ battles at Liverpool's Camp and Furnace venue, raising over £15,000 for homelessness and rough sleeping initiatives in both regions. 此次活动邀请了当地知名音乐家和名人,包括前世界冠军拳击手娜塔莎·乔纳斯和奥运会选手黛安·莫达尔。 The event featured well-known local musicians and celebrities, including former world champion boxer Natasha Jonas and Olympian Diane Modahl. 筹集到的资金将分配给当地慈善机构和社区团体,惠及大曼彻斯特市长慈善机构“每晚一张床”等计划,自 2020 年以来已帮助近 6,000 人。 The funds raised will be distributed to local charities and community groups, benefiting schemes like Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity's A Bed Every Night, which has helped nearly 6,000 people since 2020.