律师否认父亲在易卜拉欣·阿里谋杀案审判期间带枪进入温哥华法庭。 Lawyer denies father brought gun into Vancouver courtroom during Ibrahim Ali's murder trial.
不列颠哥伦比亚省本那比市一名 13 岁女孩被谋杀的父亲的律师否认,当易卜拉欣·阿里被判杀人罪时,他的当事人携带枪支进入温哥华法庭。 The lawyer for the father of a 13-year-old girl murdered in Burnaby, British Columbia, has denied that his client brought a gun into a Vancouver courtroom when Ibrahim Ali was convicted of the killing. 阿里的出庭律师重复了这一指控,旨在以安全为由将该男子排除在审后程序之外。 Ali's trial lawyers have repeated this allegation, aiming to exclude the man from post-trial proceedings on safety grounds. 父亲的律师布洛克·马特兰表示,该男子在法庭上没有持枪,温哥华警察局正在调查此事。 The father's lawyer, Brock Martland, stated that the man did not have a gun in the courtroom and that the matter is under investigation by the Vancouver Police Department.