代顿队的达朗·霍姆斯二世 (DaRon Holmes II) 拿下 34 分,在输给里士满后以 76-71 战胜圣博纳文图尔 (St. Bonaventure)。 Dayton's DaRon Holmes II scores 34 points, keying a 76-71 win over St. Bonaventure, following a loss at Richmond.
达朗·霍姆斯二世在下半场得到34分,帮助排名第21位的代顿队在一场激烈的比赛中以76-71战胜圣博纳文图尔队。 DaRon Holmes II's 34 points, many scored in the second half, helped 21st ranked Dayton to a 76-71 victory over St. Bonaventure in a competitive game. 这是代顿自上周末在里士满失利以来的第二场胜利。 This marked Dayton's second win since they faced a defeat at Richmond last weekend. 霍姆斯还抢下七个篮板并盖帽四次。 Holmes also managed to grab seven rebounds and block four shots. 圣博纳文图尔将比分追成 54 平,但代顿以 9-0 的坚决回应,最终导致代顿获胜。 St. Bonaventure tied the score at 54, but Dayton responded with a determined 9-0 run, ultimately leading to a Dayton win.