Apple 的 Vision Pro 耳机集成了 42 部迪士尼 3D 电影,包括热门影片,可通过 Disney Plus 订阅或应用程序租赁/购买来观看。 Apple's Vision Pro headset integrates 42 Disney 3D movies, including popular titles, for viewing through Disney Plus subscriptions or app rentals/purchases.
Apple Vision Pro 耳机现在为其用户提供 42 部热门迪士尼 3D 电影,包括《阿凡达:水之道》、《复仇者联盟:终局之战》和《星球大战:原力觉醒》。 Apple's Vision Pro headset now offers 42 popular Disney 3D movies for its users, including Avatar: The Way of Water, Avengers: Endgame, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Disney Plus 订阅者可以访问整个目录,而非订阅者可以通过 Apple TV 应用程序租借或购买 3D 电影。 Disney Plus subscribers can access the entire catalog, while non-subscribers can rent or buy 3D movies through the Apple TV app. Vision Pro提供的沉浸式体验可能会增强这些电影的观看体验。 The immersive experience offered by Vision Pro may enhance the viewing experience of these movies.