76人队和鹈鹕队因违反NBA关于恩比德和墨菲三世的伤病报告规则而分别被罚款7.5万美元和2.5万美元。 The 76ers and Pelicans were fined $75k and $25k, respectively, for violating NBA's injury reporting rules for Embiid and Murphy III.
费城 76 人队因违反 NBA 伤病报告规则而被罚款 75,000 美元,新奥尔良鹈鹕队被罚款 25,000 美元。 The Philadelphia 76ers were fined $75,000 and the New Orleans Pelicans were fined $25,000 for violating the NBA's injury reporting rules. 76人队因在对阵丹佛掘金队的比赛前未将中锋乔尔·恩比德列入伤病报告而被罚款,而鹈鹕队则因在对阵密尔沃基雄鹿队的比赛前未将后卫特雷·墨菲三世列入伤病报告而被罚款。 The 76ers were fined for not including center Joel Embiid on their injury report prior to their game against the Denver Nuggets, while the Pelicans were fined for not listing guard Trey Murphy III on their injury report before their game against the Milwaukee Bucks.