科克男子丹尼斯在失踪和家人痛苦后在里斯本被找到。 Cork man Denis found in Lisbon after missing and family's distress.
在里斯本失踪的科克人丹尼斯现已找到。 A Cork man, Denis, who went missing in Lisbon, has been found. 他的家人一直生活在悲痛之中,呼吁人们提供他的下落。 His family had been living in a state of distress as they appealed for information about his whereabouts. 这么长时间没有联系,对他来说很不寻常。 It was uncharacteristic for him to be out of contact for such a long time. 家人一直敦促任何可能见过他的人挺身而出。 The family had been urging anyone who might have seen him to come forward.