专注于亚洲的保险公司富卫集团 (FWD Group) 裁减了 50 个总部职位,主要在香港和新加坡,以精简团队以支持增长并在 12 个月内实现可持续盈利。 Asia-focused insurer FWD Group cuts 50 head office jobs, primarily in Hong Kong and Singapore, for a leaner team to support growth and become sustainably profitable within 12 months.
据报道,专注于亚洲的保险公司富卫集团本周已在其总部裁员约 50 名,其中大部分裁员发生在香港和新加坡。 Asia-focused insurer FWD Group has reportedly cut around 50 jobs in its head offices this week, with the majority of the reductions occurring in Hong Kong and Singapore. 该公司表示,做出这一决定是为了确保拥有适当技能和规模的团队来支持其不断增长的业务。 The company has stated that the decision was made to ensure an appropriately skilled and sized team to support its growing business. 该保险公司的目标是在未来 12 个月内通过削减成本措施实现可持续盈利,这意味着战略上将改变之前的扩张和增长目标。 The insurer aims to become sustainably profitable within the next 12 months through cost-cutting measures, suggesting a shift in strategy from previous expansion and growth goals.