阿诺·施瓦辛格在《今夜秀》中为孙子和农场动物提供同样的燕麦片。 Arnold Schwarzenegger serves same oatmeal treat to grandchildren, farm animals on 'The Tonight Show'.
好莱坞演员阿诺·施瓦辛格在《今夜秀》中接受吉米·法伦采访时透露,他给他的孙子和农场动物喂同样的燕麦片。 Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed in an interview with Jimmy Fallon on 'The Tonight Show' that he feeds the same oatmeal treat to both his grandchildren and his farm animals. 这位 76 岁的老人家里养了三只狗、两匹小马和一头猪。 The 76-year-old has three dogs, two ponies, and a pig at his home. 这种由蜂蜜、香蕉和燕麦片组成的食物最初是为他的马准备的,但狗和猪也喜欢它。 The treat, which consists of honey, bananas, and oatmeal, was originally made for his horses but the dogs and pig also enjoy it.