亚瑟在香农·夏普的播客上澄清说,他曾在亚特兰大为年轻的碧昂斯担任监护人,而不是保姆。 Usher clarified on Shannon Sharpe's podcast that he once served as a chaperone, not a nanny, for a younger Beyoncé in Atlanta.
亚瑟小子出现在香农·夏普的“Club Shay Shay”播客上,并回应了有关他曾经是碧昂斯保姆的谣言。 Usher appeared on Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" podcast and addressed rumors that he was once Beyoncé's nanny. 这位 R&B 歌手澄清说,他更像是年轻时的监护人,在命运之子成名之前在亚特兰大照顾她和她的团队。 The R&B singer clarified that he was more like a chaperone when they were younger, watching over her and her group while they were in Atlanta before Destiny's Child became famous. 亚瑟小子还讨论了他即将在 Apple Music 超级碗第 8 届中场秀中的表演。 Usher also discussed his upcoming performance at the Apple Music Super Bowl LVIII Halftime Show.