纽约市养老基金敦促加拿大皇家银行披露清洁能源资金与化石燃料资金的比率。 New York City pension funds push RBC to disclose clean energy funding ratio vs. fossil fuel funding.
纽约市养老基金敦促加拿大皇家银行(RBC)披露有关其清洁能源资金的更多信息。 New York City pension funds are urging Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) to disclose more information on its clean energy funding. 纽约市雇员退休系统和教师退休系统提交的股东决议要求该银行报告其清洁能源资金与化石燃料资金的比率。 The shareholder resolution filed by the New York City Employees' Retirement System and Teachers' Retirement System asks the bank to report the ratio of its clean energy funding compared to its fossil fuel funding. 针对美国其他主要银行也提出了类似的决议,以推动采取更多气候变化行动。 Similar resolutions have been filed against other major US banks in efforts to push for more climate change action.