牙医和卫生员仍然对联邦牙科护理计划的细节一无所知。 Dentists, hygienists still in the dark on details of federal dental-care plan.
卫生部长 Mark Holland 透露,加拿大政府仍在敲定新牙科计划的细节,计划于 5 月开始接受索赔。 Health Minister Mark Holland revealed that the Canadian government is still finalizing details of its new dental program, scheduled to begin accepting claims in May. 牙医、卫生员和其他牙科护理提供者尚未收到有关该计划的运作、支付结构和注册流程的信息。 Dentists, hygienists, and other dental care providers have yet to receive information regarding the program's operation, payment structure, and enrollment process. 该计划旨在为没有现有保险的中低收入个人提供牙科保险,是自由党与新民主党政治协议的关键组成部分。 The program, which aims to provide dental coverage for low- and middle-income individuals without existing insurance, is a key component of the Liberal Party's political agreement with the NDP. 政府从一月份开始接受申请,资格正在逐步确定;超过40万名72岁及以上的老年人已经注册。 The government started accepting applications in January, with eligibility being phased in; over 400,000 seniors aged 72 and above have already enrolled.