葛兰素史克 (GSK) 就美国 Zantac 胃灼热药物诉讼达成和解,在庭审前驳回案件且不承认责任。 GSK settles US Zantac heartburn medicine lawsuit, dismissing case without admitting liability before trial.
葛兰素史克 (GSK) 已就与其胃灼热药物 Zantac 相关的美国诉讼达成和解,而就在该案将于加州法庭审理的几周前。 GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has settled a US lawsuit related to its heartburn medicine Zantac, just weeks before the case was due to be heard in court in California. 这家英国制药商已与大卫·布朗达成秘密和解,此案将被驳回。 The British drug manufacturer has reached a confidential settlement with David Browne, and the case will be dismissed. 葛兰素史克表示,和解反映了其希望避免因旷日持久的诉讼而造成任何干扰。 GSK said the settlement reflects its desire to avoid any distraction related to protracted litigation. 该公司不承认承担责任,并将继续在所有其他 Zantac 案件中基于事实和科学为自己辩护。 The company does not admit liability and will continue to defend itself based on the facts and the science in all other Zantac cases.