临时道德专员证实,特鲁多总理在朋友的陪同下进行的牙买加之行并未违反民选官员的休假或礼物规定。 Interim Ethics Commissioner confirms PM Trudeau's Jamaica trip, given by a friend, did not break vacation or gift rules for elected officials.
联邦道德监督机构已确定总理贾斯汀·特鲁多最近前往牙买加的假期是可以接受的,因为这次旅行是由一位真正的朋友赠送的。 The federal ethics watchdog has determined that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's recent vacation to Jamaica was acceptable, as the stay was gifted by a true friend. 临时道德专员康拉德·冯·芬肯斯坦在下议院道德委员会作证,确认这次旅行没有违反任何有关民选官员旅行、度假和礼物的规定。 The interim Ethics Commissioner, Konrad von Finckenstein, testified before the House of Commons ethics committee, confirming that the trip did not breach any rules governing travel, vacations, and gifts for elected officials.