热狗查理 (Hot Dog Charlie) 位于纽约州科霍斯 (Cohoes) 的历史店被无可疑的火灾摧毁;视为全损。 Hot Dog Charlie's historic Cohoes, NY location destroyed by non-suspicious fire; considered a total loss.
位于纽约州科霍斯的当地一家深受喜爱的热狗餐厅 Hot Dog Charlie's 在一场大火中被毁。 A beloved local hot dog restaurant, Hot Dog Charlie's in Cohoes, New York, has been destroyed in a large fire. 周三早上,餐厅的员工注意到了火灾,火势很快就失去了控制。 The fire was noticed by employees who were opening the restaurant on Wednesday morning, and it quickly spread out of control. 该建筑被认为完全损毁,标志性的热狗餐厅可能需要全面重建。 The building is considered a total loss, and a full rebuild will likely be necessary for the iconic hot dog restaurant. 目前尚未确定任何重建尝试的时间表。 No timeline has been established for any attempts at a rebuild.