据首席执行官 Sundar Pichai 称,Google One 云存储服务预计将拥有 1 亿订阅用户,到 2023 年,Google 订阅业务的年收入将达到 150 亿美元。 Google One cloud storage service expects 100M subscribers, boosting Google's subscription business to $15B in annual revenues for 2023, per CEO Sundar Pichai.
据该公司首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊 (Sundar Pichai) 称,谷歌提供的云存储服务 Google One 的用户数量即将达到 1 亿。 Google One, the cloud storage service provided by Google, is on the verge of reaching 100 million subscribers, according to the company's CEO, Sundar Pichai. 订阅服务提供扩展的存储空间、Google 产品的独家功能以及与最活跃用户的牢固关系,是 Google 订阅业务的重要组成部分。 The subscription service, which offers expanded storage, exclusive features in Google products, and a strong relationship with its most engaged users, is a significant part of Google's subscription business. 与 YouTube Premium 和音乐以及 YouTube TV 等其他订阅服务一起,这一收入来源实现了强劲增长,预计 2023 年年收入将达到 150 亿美元。 Alongside other subscriptions such as YouTube Premium and Music, and YouTube TV, this revenue stream has seen strong growth and reached $15 billion in annual revenues for 2023.