据信息和隐私专员办公室称,在 NDP 收取 10 美元费用后,BC 省政府经历了历史最高的 FOI 请求等待时间,并且超出了响应时间限制。 BC government experiences record-high FOI request wait times post-NDP $10 fee & exceeded response time limit, according to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
据信息和隐私专员办公室称,自新民主党宣布收取 10 美元的申请费以来,不列颠哥伦比亚省政府的信息自由 (FOI) 请求有所下降。 The British Columbia government has experienced a decline in Freedom of Information (FOI) requests since the NDP announced a $10 application fee, according to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. 此外,省政府在未经合法授权的情况下,超过了5100起案件的响应时间。 In addition, the provincial government has exceeded the time allowed to respond to a request in 5,100 cases without legal authority. FOI 请求的等待时间较长,导致平均等待时间达到有记录以来最差的水平,在截至 2023 年 3 月的一年中,平均需要 85 个工作日才能做出答复。 The longer wait times for FOI requests have led to the worst average wait time on record, taking an average of 85 business days to respond in the year ending March 2023.