在福利检查期间,两名成年人在洛斯阿尔托斯住所被发现死亡;洛斯阿尔托斯警方和法医正在进行调查。 Two adults found dead in Los Altos residence during welfare check; ongoing investigation by Los Altos Police and medical examiner.
1 月 16 日,洛斯阿尔托斯的两名居民史蒂文·胡珀 (Steven Hooper) 和克里斯·克莱尔 (Chris Cryer) 在一次福利检查中被发现死在一所房子内。 Two Los Altos residents, Steven Hooper and Chris Cryer, were found dead inside a house during a welfare check on January 16th. 洛斯阿尔托斯警察局和圣克拉拉县法医验尸官办公室正在对死因进行调查,目前正在等待毒理学报告。 The Los Altos Police Department and the Santa Clara County Medical Examiner-Coroner's Office are conducting an investigation into the cause of death, which is pending toxicology reports. 谋杀案尚未得到证实,请知情者与调查人员联系。 Foul play has not been confirmed, and anyone with relevant information is requested to contact the investigators.