Shapeshifter Games 由前 Volition 开发者创立,旨在与顶级开发者和发行商合作,并可能得到微软的支持。 Shapeshifter Games, founded by ex-Volition developers, aims to collaborate with top devs and publishers, potentially backed by Microsoft.
一个新的游戏开发工作室 Shapeshifter Games 已经成立,由前 Volition 开发人员创立。 A new game development studio, Shapeshifter Games, has been revealed and is founded by former Volition developers. 该工作室旨在与世界一流的开发商和发行商合作打造 AAA 级游戏。 The studio aims to collaborate with world-class developers and publishers to create AAA games. 微软可能参与了 Shapeshifter Games 的创立,因为 Xbox 游戏工作室当年晚些时候为 Volition 员工举办了一次活动。 Microsoft may have had some involvement in the founding of Shapeshifter Games, as Xbox Game Studios held an event for Volition employees later that year. 这标志着微软积极寻求收购和开发新项目以扩展其游戏产品。 This signifies Microsoft's aggressive pursuit of acquiring and developing new projects to expand their game offerings.