著名爵士音乐家布兰福德·马萨利斯成为新奥尔良埃利斯·马萨利斯音乐中心的新艺术总监,该中心以他已故的父亲的名字命名。 Renowned jazz musician Branford Marsalis becomes new artistic director of Ellis Marsalis Center for Music in New Orleans, named for his late father.
著名爵士萨克斯管演奏家和作曲家布兰福德·马萨利斯被任命为新奥尔良埃利斯·马萨利斯音乐中心的新艺术总监,此前该职位由他已故的父亲担任。 Renowned jazz saxophonist and composer, Branford Marsalis, has been named the new artistic director for the Ellis Marsalis Center for Music in New Orleans, a role previously held by his late father. 该中心位于该市的音乐家村,为年轻人和成年人提供音乐和文化教育项目。 The center, located in the city's Musicians' Village, provides music and cultural education programs for young people and adults. 布兰福德·马萨利斯 (Branford Marsalis) 和新奥尔良音乐家小哈里·康尼克 (Harry Connick Jr.) 在开发该村庄的过程中发挥了重要作用,为 2005 年卡特里娜飓风期间失去家园的音乐家提供住房。 Branford Marsalis and fellow New Orleans musician Harry Connick Jr. played a significant role in developing the village to provide housing for musicians who lost their homes during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.