PawFury游戏平台完成安全审计和KYC验证;在 CoinMarketcap 上列出原生代币 $PAW。 PawFury gaming platform completes security audit and KYC verification; lists native token $PAW on CoinMarketcap.
PawFury 是一家专门从事游戏行业安全和用户参与的公司,已成功完成 Cyberscope 的全面安全审核。 PawFury, a company specializing in security and user engagement in the gaming industry, has successfully completed a comprehensive security audit by Cyberscope. 审核涵盖智能合约和安全协议的各个方面,确保安全的游戏环境。 The audit covers all aspects of smart contracts and security protocols, ensuring a secure gaming environment. PawFury 还通过 SOLIDPROOF 完成了 KYC 验证流程,强调透明度和用户信任。 PawFury has also completed the KYC verification process through SOLIDPROOF, emphasizing transparency and user trust. 此外,该公司的 $PAW 代币已在 Coinmarketcap 上市。 Additionally, the company's $PAW token has been listed on Coinmarketcap.