作为 PFAS 应对措施的一部分,新西兰到 2026 年将禁止在化妆品中使用 PFAS,其中包括逐步淘汰消防泡沫和测试环境。 New Zealand bans PFAS in cosmetics by 2026 as part of its PFAS response, including phasing out firefighting foams and testing the environment.
新西兰已成为首批在 2026 年底前禁止在化妆品中使用全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质 (PFAS)(也称为“永久化学品”)的国家之一。 New Zealand has become one of the first countries to ban per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as "forever chemicals," in cosmetic products by the end of 2026. PFAS 很难分解,会在体内积聚,高浓度时具有潜在毒性。 PFAS are hard to break down and can build up in the body, with potential toxicity at high levels. 该禁令是该国针对 PFAS 持续应对措施的一部分,其中还包括逐步淘汰基于 PFAS 的消防泡沫并测试环境中 PFAS 的背景水平。 The ban is part of the country's ongoing response to PFAS, which also includes phasing out PFAS-based firefighting foams and testing background levels of PFAS in the environment. 该决定是对化妆品集团标准的多项更新之一,旨在确保化妆品的安全性并与国际发展保持一致。 The decision is one of several updates to the Cosmetic Products Group Standard to ensure cosmetic products are safe and align with international developments.