男子西蒙·卡佐罗夫斯基(Szymon Kaczorowski)面临入室盗窃指控,他在盗窃物品的公寓里留下了一张独特的纸条,上面写着他的姓名、联系方式和避孕套。 Man Szymon Kaczorowski, facing burglary charges, left a unique note with his name, contact, and condoms in an apartment where he'd stolen items.
爱尔兰科克市一名名叫 Szymon Kaczorowski 的 34 岁男子因被指控入室盗窃而被还押候审,并同意保释。 A 34-year-old man named Szymon Kaczorowski has been remanded in custody with consent to bail following accusations of burglary in Cork, Ireland. 据称,卡佐罗夫斯基进入了三间公寓,偷走了物品,并在一名妇女家里留下了一张写有他的姓名、电话号码和两个未开封的避孕套的纸条。 Kaczorowski allegedly entered three apartments, stealing items and leaving a note with his name, phone number, and two unopened condoms in one woman's home. 涉嫌入室盗窃案发生于 2023 年 12 月 10 日,地点为 Mardyke Hall。 The alleged burglaries occurred on December 10, 2023, at Mardyke Hall. 卡佐罗夫斯基在该大楼被捕并出庭,在同意保释的情况下,他被还押至 2 月 20 日。 Kaczorowski was arrested at the complex and appeared in court, where he was remanded in custody until February 20 with consent to bail.