币安与 Sygnum 和 Flow 银行合作,推出加密资产第三方托管服务,以解决美国当局的信任问题和 FTX 崩溃问题。 Binance introduces third-party custodian service for crypto assets, partnering with Sygnum and Flow banks, to address trust issues with US authorities and FTX collapse.
币安为符合条件的客户推出了一项新功能,允许他们使用瑞士银行 Sygnum 和 Flow 等独立托管机构来持有其加密货币资产。 Binance has introduced a new feature for eligible customers, allowing them to use independent custodians like Swiss banks Sygnum and Flow to hold their cryptocurrency assets. 这是对 2023 年美国当局的问题导致交易者对交易所失去信任的回应。 This comes in response to traders' loss of trust in the exchange due to issues with US authorities in 2023. 该功能旨在降低将资金留在交易所的风险,特别是在 2022 年 FTX 崩溃之后。 The feature aims to reduce the risk associated with leaving money on an exchange, particularly after the FTX collapse in 2022. 两年多来,币安一直在与银行合作开发三方解决方案,并声称这种发展是在交易对手风险变得突出之前就开始的。 Binance has been working on a triparty solution with banks for over two years, claiming that this development began before counterparty risk became prominent.