根据英国漫画改编的科幻电影《侠盗骑兵》已由主要演员完成拍摄。 Sci-fi film Rogue Trooper, based on a British comic, completes filming with key cast members.
《侠盗骑兵》是一部根据公元 2000 年英国漫画系列改编的科幻电影,在邓肯·琼斯的指导下已完成拍摄。 Rogue Trooper, a sci-fi film based on the British comic series from 2000 AD, has completed filming under the direction of Duncan Jones. 电影由阿纽林·巴纳德 (Aneurin Barnard) 饰演一名寻找叛徒将军的蓝皮肤超级士兵,海莉·阿特维尔 (Hayley Atwell)、肖恩·宾 (Sean Bean)、马特·贝瑞 (Matt Berry) 和杰梅因·克莱门特 (Jemaine Clement) 担任配角。 The movie stars Aneurin Barnard as a blue-skinned super soldier seeking the Traitor General, with Hayley Atwell, Sean Bean, Matt Berry, and Jemaine Clement in supporting roles. 该电影预计于 2025 年上映,采用 Epic 的虚幻引擎 5 制作动画。 The film, which is expected to be released in 2025, is being animated using Epic's Unreal Engine 5.