研究科学家任殿栋因在美国秘密工作而被气象局解雇,公平工作委员会支持这一决定,认为这一决定并非不公正、不合理或严厉。 Research scientist Diandong Ren was fired from the Bureau of Meteorology for secretly working from the US, with the Fair Work Commission supporting the decision as not unjust, unreasonable, or harsh.
研究科学家任殿东在美国秘密工作数周后被发现,被气象局 (BOM) 解雇。 Diandong Ren, a research scientist, was fired from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) after being caught secretly working from the United States for multiple weeks. 任声称他的解雇是严厉、不公正或不合理的,但 BOM 否认了他的指控,称他谎报了自己的位置,并且未经许可从海外访问 IT 系统可能违反安全风险。 Ren claimed his dismissal was harsh, unjust, or unreasonable, but the BOM denied his allegations, stating that he lied about his location and potentially breached security risks by accessing the IT systems from overseas without permission. 公平工作委员会支持该局的主张,认为解雇任正非并不严厉、不公正或不合理。 The Fair Work Commission backed the bureau's case, finding Ren's termination was not harsh, unjust, or unreasonable.