Quinn 家族在 2023 年 10 月自愿托管后收购了 Sara Lee 甜点品牌,从而保住了 200 多个工作岗位,从而将其从外资手中拯救出来。 The Quinn family saved Sara Lee dessert brand from foreign ownership, preserving 200+ jobs by acquiring it after its voluntary administration in Oct 2023.
Quinn 家族此前收购了糖果公司 Darrell Lea,现在又收购了澳大利亚甜点品牌 Sara Lee。 The Quinn family, which previously purchased confectionery company Darrell Lea, has acquired Australian dessert brand Sara Lee. 该品牌于 2023 年 10 月进入自愿托管,但奎因家族的收购挽救了 200 多个工作岗位,并防止该公司落入外资手中。 The brand went into voluntary administration in October 2023, but its purchase by the Quinns has saved over 200 jobs and prevented the company from falling into the hands of foreign ownership. Quinn 家族对 Sara Lee 品牌由澳大利亚拥有和管理表示自豪。 The Quinn family expressed pride in keeping the Sara Lee brand under Australian ownership and management.