查谟和克什米尔拉吉普拉泰西勒的一个汽油泵发生大火,吞没了两艘油轮,原因不明,没有人员伤亡。 Massive fire at a petrol pump in Rajpura tehsil, Jammu and Kashmir, engulfed two tankers, unknown cause, no casualties.
1月29日,查谟和克什米尔拉吉普拉泰西勒的一个汽油泵发生大火,吞没了两艘油罐车并耗尽了燃油。 On January 29, a massive fire erupted at a petrol pump in Rajpura tehsil, Jammu and Kashmir, engulfing two tankers and emptying fuel. 起火原因尚不清楚,暂无人员伤亡报告。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and no casualties have been reported. 查谟和克什米尔消防和紧急服务部门试图使用桑巴、希拉纳加尔和现场的三辆消防车控制火势,但没有成功。 The Jammu and Kashmir Fire and Emergency Services attempted to control the fire using three fire engines from Samba, Hiranagar, and the spot, but were unsuccessful. 事态仍在发展。 The situation is still developing.