在泰米尔纳德邦尼尔吉里区,一名男子的丰田 Fortuner SUV 在按照谷歌地图指示行驶时被困在楼梯上。 A man's Toyota Fortuner SUV was stranded on a flight of stairs while following Google Maps directions in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiri district.
一名男子从泰米尔纳德邦尼尔吉里区热门山城古达鲁尔周末旅行回来后,在依靠谷歌地图寻找最快回家路线时遇到了意想不到的转弯。 A man driving back from a weekend trip at Gudalur, a popular hill town in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiri district, encountered an unexpected turn when he relied on Google Maps for the fastest route home. 导航应用程序引导他走一条有楼梯的路线,让他的丰田 Fortuner SUV 暂时陷入困境。 Thenavigation app guided him to take a route with a flight of stairs, leaving his Toyota Fortuner SUV momentarilly stranded. 司机寻求当地援助,最终在警察的帮助下成功救出了他的车。 The driver sought local assistance and eventually managed to extricate his car alongside the help of a police team.