在墨西哥城机场,一名男子从等待的飞机的紧急门中走出来。 At the Mexico City airport, a man stepped out of an emergency door of a waiting aircraft.
墨西哥城国际机场,一名男子在一架静止的飞机上打开了紧急出口。 A man opened an emergency exit on a stationary plane at Mexico City International Airport. 事件发生在飞机等待起飞时。 The incident occurred while the aircraft was waiting for takeoff. 该男子已被移交给警方。 The man was turned over to the police. 然而,许多乘客签署了一份声明,表示他们支持该男子的行为,因为他们声称,在航班延误期间,航空公司让他们在没有通风或水的情况下等待。 However, many passengers signed a statement indicating that they supported the man's actions, as they claimed the airline had made them wait without ventilation or water while the flight was delayed.