庆祝《龙珠》上映 40 周年的《龙珠大马》揭示了秋季发售的新角色设计,包括小悟空、克林,以及儿童角色踏上伟大冒险的原创故事。 Dragon Ball Daima, celebrating 40th anniversary, reveals new characters designs, including Kid Goku, Krillin, for Fall release, with original story of child characters embarking on a grand adventure.
即将上映的庆祝该系列 40 周年的动画系列《龙珠大马》公布了小悟空、克林和其他角色的新角色设计。 Dragon Ball Daima, an upcoming anime series celebrating the 40th anniversary of the franchise, has revealed new character designs for Kid Goku, Krillin, and other characters. 原作故事将于秋季上映,讲述了悟空和他的朋友们变成孩子后,踏上一场伟大的冒险,以解决未知世界的局势的故事。 Set for a Fall release, the original story follows Goku and his friends as they are turned into children and embark on a grand adventure to fix the situation in an unknown world. 该剧由东映动画的八岛芳孝和小牧彩执导,野泽雅子为悟空配音。 The series is directed by Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki for Toei Animation, with Masako Nozawa voicing Goku.