Stellantis 获得 Redburn Atlantic 的买入评级,目标价为 25.85 美元,并持有中等买入平均评级。 Stellantis receives a buy rating from Redburn Atlantic with a target price of $25.85, and holds a Moderate Buy average rating.
著名汽车和轻型商用车制造商 Stellantis 被 Redburn Atlantic 给予买入评级,一致目标价为 25.85 美元。 Stellantis, a prominent automobile and light commercial vehicle manufacturer, has been given a buy rating by Redburn Atlantic with a consensus target price of $25.85. 该公司目前的平均评级为“适度买入”,其他几位分析师也给予了积极评级。 The company holds a current average rating of Moderate Buy, with several other analysts providing positive ratings. 机构投资者和对冲基金持有 Stellantis 28.17% 的股票。 Institutional investors and hedge funds own 28.17% of Stellantis' stock. 该公司的速动比率为1.03,流动比率为1.29,债务股本比率为0.26。 The firm's quick ratio is 1.03, its current ratio is 1.29, and its debt-to-equity ratio is 0.26.