派珀·桑德勒 (Piper Sandler) 下调 Pathward Financial 的评级。 Piper Sandler Lowers Pathward Financial.
Piper Sandler 将 Pathward Financial (CASH) 的目标股价从 69 美元下调至 68 美元,这表明该公司之前的收盘价可能上涨 27.22%。 Piper Sandler has reduced its price target for Pathward Financial (CASH) from $69 to $68, suggesting a potential upside of 27.22% from the company's previous closing price. Pathward Financial 是一家在美国提供各种银行产品和服务的银行控股公司,其每股收益 (EPS) 低于分析师普遍预期的 1.06 美元,而预期为 1.23 美元。 Pathward Financial, a bank holding company providing various banking products and services in the US, missed analysts' consensus estimates for earnings per share (EPS) at $1.06, compared to the expected $1.23. 该公司市值为13.9亿美元,市盈率为8.78,贝塔值为0.78。 The company has a market cap of $1.39 billion, a P/E ratio of 8.78, and a beta of 0.78.