首届黑人卓越奖获得了“惊人”的反响。 First-ever Black Excellence Awards receive 'amazing' response.
首个黑人卓越奖于 12 月推出,旨在表彰在领导力、商业和志愿服务方面取得杰出成就的个人。 The first-ever Black Excellence Awards, launched in December, are aiming to honor individuals for their outstanding achievements in leadership, business, and volunteerism. 该奖项由香农·普林斯、米歇尔·罗宾斯和道格·罗宾斯共同主持,共有六个奖项类别供公众投票。 The awards, co-chaired by Shannon Prince, Michelle Robbins, and Doug Robbins, feature a half-dozen award categories for public voting. 提名于 1 月截止,晚会定于 2 月 10 日在 Retro Suites 举行。 Nominations closed in January, and the gala is scheduled for February 10 at Retro Suites. 社区反响令人印象深刻,获奖者在查塔姆-肯特郡产生了重大影响。 The community response has been impressive, with the winners making a significant impact within Chatham-Kent.