在马萨诸塞州马尔登,一只名叫 Big Momma 的 2 岁獒犬被遗弃,身上长有 13 磅的肿瘤,接受了良性肿瘤切除手术,当局以动物忽视为由调查这起遗弃案件。 In Malden, Massachusetts, a 2-year-old mastiff named Big Momma abandoned with a 13-lb tumor undergoes benign growth removal surgery, and authorities investigate the abandonment case as animal neglect.
马萨诸塞州马尔登市,一只名叫 Big Momma 的 2 岁獒犬被发现被遗弃,身上长有 13 磅重的肿瘤,目前正在接受良性肿瘤切除手术后康复。 A 2-year-old mastiff named Big Momma, found abandoned with a 13-pound tumor in Malden, Massachusetts, is recovering after undergoing surgery to remove the benign growth. 波士顿动物救援联盟和马尔登警方正在调查这起动物忽视和遗弃案件,敦促公众提供有关这只狗的来源的信息。 The Animal Rescue League of Boston and Malden Police are investigating the case as animal neglect and abandonment, urging the public for information on the dog's origin. 手术费用约为 5,000 美元,目前已筹集到大约一半的资金,其余资金将由自付。 The surgery, which cost around $5,000, has raised about half of the amount, with the remaining to be covered.