《Love Is Blind》主演 Alexa 和 Brennon Lemieux 通过 Instagram 宣布首次怀孕。 Love Is Blind stars Alexa and Brennon Lemieux announce first child pregnancy via Instagram.
Netflix 真人秀《爱情盲目》的主演 Alexa 和 Brennon Lemieux 宣布他们即将迎来他们的第一个孩子。 Alexa and Brennon Lemieux, stars of Netflix's reality show Love Is Blind, have announced they are expecting their first child together. 这对夫妇在该剧第三季中相识并结婚,他们通过 Instagram 联合发布了这一消息,其中发布了 Alexa 怀孕的照片。 The couple, who met and were married during season three of the show, shared the news via a joint Instagram post featuring photos of Alexa's baby bump. 这对夫妇在透露怀孕消息之前面临着生育治疗的挑战,并热切地等待新家庭成员的到来。 The couple faced challenges with fertility treatments before revealing their pregnancy and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new family member.