不列颠哥伦比亚省最高法院法官命令精神状况有所改善的易卜拉欣·阿里在被强制判处无期徒刑且不得假释之前,将其从医院转移至审前拘留中心。 British Columbia Supreme Court judge orders Ibrahim Ali, improved mentally, to transfer from hospital to pretrial detention centre prior to mandatory life sentence without parole.
不列颠哥伦比亚省最高法院法官裁定,被判犯有一级谋杀罪的易卜拉欣·阿里应从法医精神病医院转移到北弗雷泽审前拘留中心。 A British Columbia Supreme Court judge ruled that Ibrahim Ali, convicted of first-degree murder, should be transferred from a forensic psychiatric hospital to the North Fraser pretrial detention centre. 兰斯·伯纳德法官的决定是基于精神科医生的评估,即阿里已经明显好转,不再需要住院拘留,因为没有证据表明他患有潜在的精神病。 Justice Lance Bernard's decision was based on the psychiatrist's assessment that Ali has significantly improved and no longer requires hospital detention, as there is no evidence of an underlying psychotic illness. 阿里将继续留在看守所直至宣判,这将导致他被判处强制性无期徒刑,25年内不得假释。 Ali will remain at the detention centre until his sentencing, which will result in a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for 25 years.