Apple Card 储蓄账户年利率升至 4.50%,这是自去年 12 月以来第三次升息,目前与高盛的 Marcus 持平。 Apple Card Savings Account APY increased to 4.50%, third rate rise since December, now equals Marcus by Goldman Sachs.
Apple Card 储蓄账户持有人已获悉利率上调,年收益率 (APY) 升至 4.50%。 Apple Card Savings Account holders have been informed of a rate increase, bringing the annual percentage yield (APY) to 4.50%. 这是该账户自 12 月以来第三次上调利率,目前与高盛 (Goldman Sachs) 的 Marcus 的 APY 相当。 This is the third rate increase for the account since December and now matches the APY of Marcus by Goldman Sachs. 自 2023 年 4 月起,Apple Card 用户可以通过与高盛的关系访问高收益储蓄账户。 Apple Card users can access a high-yield savings account through a relationship with Goldman Sachs since April 2023.