索格斯初/高中教师 Roxanne Plaskon 因在教职员工卫生间持有 A 级物质而被捕。 Teacher at Saugus Middle/High School, Roxanne Plaskon, arrested for possessing Class-A substance in faculty restroom.
周四,索格斯中学的一名教师在教师卫生间发现 A 级物质后被捕。 A teacher at Saugus Middle/High School was arrested on Thursday after a Class A substance was found in a faculty restroom. 上午 10 点 40 分左右,索格斯警察局接到 911 电话后赶到学校,逮捕了 52 岁的 Roxanne Plaskon。 The Saugus Police Department responded to the school at around 10:40 a.m. after a 911 call and arrested 52-year-old Roxanne Plaskon. 确切的物质没有具体说明,但根据马萨诸塞州法律,A 类物质包括海洛因、摇头丸、氯胺酮等药物。 The exact substance was not specified, but under Massachusetts law, Class A substances include drugs such as heroin, ecstasy, ketamine, and more. 调查期间,学校部门一直与警察部门合作,确保学生和教职员工的安全。 The school department has been working cooperatively with the police department to ensure the safety of students and staff during the investigation.