新奥尔良前地方检察官老哈里·康尼克 (Harry Connick Sr.) 因任职 30 年并支持混血儿而闻名,去世,享年 97 岁。 New Orleans former District Attorney Harry Connick Sr., known for 30 years in office and biracial support, passed away at 97.
老哈里·康尼克 (Harry Connick Sr.) 于 2024 年 1 月 25 日去世,享年 97 岁。他曾担任新奥尔良地区检察官 30 年,并被指控其工作人员有时隐瞒可能对被告有帮助的证据。 Harry Connick Sr., who was the District Attorney for New Orleans for three decades and faced allegations that his staff sometimes held back evidence that could have helped defendants, passed away on January 25, 2024, at the age of 97. 他的儿子小哈里·康尼克证实了这一消息。 His son, Harry Connick Jr., confirmed the news. 随着政治权力基础转向非裔美国人,康尼克成功地为这座城市赢得了混血儿的支持。 Connick had been successfully able to build biracial support for the city as its political power base shifted to African Americans.