21 岁的 Kayshon Boutte 因使用虚假体育博彩账户被捕,在路易斯安那州立大学期间进行了近 9,000 次投注,面临电脑欺诈和未成年人赌博的指控。 Kayshon Boutte, 21, arrested for using fake sports betting account, made nearly 9,000 bets while at LSU, facing charges of computer fraud & underage gaming.
21 岁的新英格兰爱国者队外接手 Kayshon Boutte 因在路易斯安那州立大学就读期间使用虚假体育博彩账户而被捕,并面临指控。 New England Patriots wide receiver Kayshon Boutte, 21, was arrested and is facing charges for using a fake sports betting account while he was enrolled at Louisiana State University. 这项非法活动是在他还是一名本科生时进行的,涉及近 9,000 次投注,并面临计算机欺诈和 21 岁以下禁止赌博的指控。 The illegal activity, committed while he was still an undergraduate, includes nearly 9,000 bets placed and is facing charges of computer fraud and gaming prohibited by persons under 21. NFL 和爱国者队承认了解这些指控,但没有提供任何进一步的评论。 The NFL and the Patriots acknowledged knowledge of the charges and have not provided any further comments.