纽约市警方从皇后区开始查封非法妓院。 NYC police begin knocking down the doors of illegal brothels, starting in Queens.
1 月 25 日,纽约市警方关闭了皇后区科罗纳至少六家充当非法妓院幌子的按摩院。 On January 25, NYC police shut down at least six massage parlors acting as fronts for illegal brothels in Corona, Queens. 这一行动是亚当斯市长领导的“生活质量”执法行动的一部分。 This action was part of a "quality of life" enforcement operation led by Mayor Adams. 在警方观察到场所内卖淫和性贩运的明显证据后,这些场所被关闭。 The establishments were shut down after police observed clear evidence of prostitution and sex trafficking within the premises. 开展这项行动是为了解决社区对这些非法活动的担忧。 This operation was undertaken to address community concerns regarding these illicit activities.