谷歌 Pixel 8 Pro 通过红外传感器和 LDAF 技术增加了医疗级体温测量功能。 Google's Pixel 8 Pro adds medical-grade body temperature measurement via infrared sensors and LDAF tech.
谷歌在其 Pixel 8 Pro 智能手机中添加了体温测量功能,允许用户使用该设备的红外传感器和 LDAF(激光检测自动对焦)技术在不直接接触的情况下测量体温。 Google has added a body temperature measurement feature to its Pixel 8 Pro smartphone, allowing users to measure their temperature without direct contact using the device's infrared sensors and LDAF (Laser Detection Auto Focus) technology. 温度计工具被认为是医疗级功能,可通过 Pixel 8 Pro 上的温度计应用访问。 The thermometer tool is considered a medical-grade feature accessible from the Thermometer app on the Pixel 8 Pro.