能源供应公司Energia从3月1日起将电价降低7.5%,将天然气价格降低5%,这是六个月来第二次下调。 Energy supply company Energia reduces electricity prices by 7.5% and gas prices by 5% from March 1, their second reduction in six months.
继多家竞争对手之后,能源供应公司 Energia 宣布为其客户降价。 Energy supply company Energia has announced a price reduction for its customers, following suit with several competitors. 从3月1日起,客户电价将下降7.5%,天然气价格将下降5%。 From March 1, customers will see a 7.5% decrease in electricity prices and a 5% decrease in gas prices. 该公司目前为约 300,000 个家庭提供服务。 The company currently serves approximately 300,000 households. 这是继 2022 年大幅涨价后,六个月内第二次降价。 This is their second price reduction in six months, following a significant rise in 2022.