50 Cent 在最后一圈巡演中向人群扔了一个无法使用的麦克风后,被 DJ Bryhana Monegain 起诉,指控其造成严重的永久性伤害。 50 Cent is sued by DJ Bryhana Monegain for severe, permanent injuries after he threw a non-working mic into the crowd during his Final Lap tour.
50 Cent 被 Power 106 电台 DJ Bryhana Monegain 起诉,她声称这位说唱歌手在最后一圈巡演期间将无法使用的麦克风扔向人群,导致她遭受严重且永久性的伤害。 50 Cent is being sued by Power 106 radio DJ Bryhana Monegain, who claims she suffered severe and permanent injuries when the rapper threw his non-working microphone into the crowd during his Final Lap tour. 事件发生在 2023 年 8 月 3 日,莫内甘被送往医院治疗。 Monegain was hospitalized after the incident, which occurred on August 3, 2023. 虽然 50 Cent 此前曾避免因该事件受到刑事指控,但莫内甘的诉讼要求赔偿医疗费用、工资损失和其他损害,包括持续的情绪困扰。 While 50 Cent had previously avoided criminal charges for the incident, Monegain's lawsuit seeks compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages, including ongoing emotional distress.