《如龙:无限财富》评论称赞这是对堂岛之龙的完美送别。 "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" review praises it as the perfect send-off for the Dragon of Dojima.
《如龙:无限财富》是该系列中雄心勃勃且充满信心的作品,重点关注桐生一马 20 年的遗产,并将该系列交给春日一番领导的新一代。 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is an ambitious and confident entry in the franchise, focusing on the 20-year legacy of Kazuma Kiryu and handing the series off to the new generation led by Ichiban Kasuga. 游戏中有一个支线任务,其中一番遇到了一位老人,他试图在夏威夷为他垂死的妻子造雪。 The game features a side quest where Ichiban meets an elderly man trying to make snow in Hawaii for his dying wife. 游戏还包括追捕一辆装有 Yakuza boss 的婴儿车,体现了《Like a Dragon》的精髓。 The game also includes chasing down a baby buggy with a Yakuza boss inside, capturing the essence of Like a Dragon.