只有非穆斯林外交官才被允许进入利雅得的酒类商店,该商店有严格的购买限制,并需要通过移动应用程序注册。 Only non-Muslim diplomats will be allowed entry to the liquor store in Riyadh, which will have stringent purchase limits and require registration via a mobile app.
沙特阿拉伯打算在该国首都利雅得开设第一家酒类商店,销售对象仅限非穆斯林外交官。 Saudi Arabia intends to open its first liquor store in Riyadh, the country's capital, with sales limited to diplomats who are not Muslims. 根据获得的文件,客户将使用移动应用程序进行注册,为了进行合法购买,他们将需要外交部的许可代码。 According to the document that was accessed, customers will register using a mobile app, and in order to make a legitimate purchase, they will require a clearance code from the foreign ministry. 顾客需要遵守商店的每月配额。 Customers will need to follow the store's monthly quotas. 虽然伊斯兰教法禁止饮酒,但这一行动代表了该地区在吸引游客和商业方面的重大进步。 While Islamic law forbids the consumption of alcohol, this action represents a significant advancement in the region's efforts to draw tourists and business.